Storing and keeping of fresh truffles

How to best preserve fresh truffles?
There are several ways on how to store truffles and we bring you the best ones…
  1. Truffle in a linen cloth enclosed in a plastic box
  2. Truffle wrapped in a paper towel in a jar
  3. Truffle in rice
Skladištenje i čuvanje svježih tartufa1. Truffle in a linen cloth enclosed in a plastic box
One of the best ways to store truffles is a linen cloth, which allows air to flow without drying out the truffles. Wrap the truffles in a cloth and store in a plastic box. Truffles stored in this way can be stored in refrigerator for up to 7 days, taking care to change the cloth every two days. The cloth will become damp because it absorbs the moisture that the truffle releases, a damp cloth can lead to faster rotting of the truffles so replace the cloth with a dry one every two days.

Skladištenje i čuvanje svježih tartufa2. Truffle wrapped in a paper towel in a jar
Wrap the truffle in a paper towel and store in a jar. It is also very important that you change the napkin every two days. If you have several pieces of truffles, it is recommended to wrap each one separately. You can store truffles wrapped in this way also in a plastic box. You can store them for up to seven days.
Skladištenje i čuvanje svježih tartufa Skladištenje i čuvanje svježih tartufa

Skladištenje i čuvanje svježih tartufa3. Truffle in rice
Truffles stored in rice can last in the refrigerator for a few days, but you must keep in mind that rice absorbs moisture and thus dries the truffles. This variant of truffle storage is great and you can use rice to make a fine risotto with truffles. You have to make sure the rice covers all the truffles.